In this series on superbugs—meaning bacteria that are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics—we’ve looked at germs on a national level. But you probably already know
Tag: superbug
It kills thousands of Americans every year and can't be stopped by most antibiotics. Our best defense right now is really good hand-washing. Will that
A particularly virulent type of bacteria called CREs, which include E. coli and Salmonella, is gaining in strength. Can we develop better antibiotics to fight
The emergence of locally acquired NDM-1 in two Canadian hospitals raises concerns about “superbugs” and antibiotics’ future futility. NDM-1, or New Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase-1, is actually
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced two more cases of an emerging type of “superbug” last week. Two patients in a Rhode
Nine patients have been infected with the highly antibiotic-resistant, NDM-1 containing bacteria, commonly known as a superbug, at the Life Glynnwood Hospital in Benoni, South