In 2009, a fifteen-year-old boy walked into a rural health clinic in western Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) displaying symptoms of acute hemorrhagic fever,
A wave of gastroenteritis of unknown origin spread across eastern Germany late last week and into the weekend. Now that the number of new cases
Few media-hyped events pose such a lurking, pit-of-your-stomach discomfort as the rapid, global emergence of a new disease. The sound of ambulance sirens, the sight
Over 100 children have been affected by a mumps outbreak in Marashda, Egypt, with 43 cases and 70 infections reported. Officials at the ministry of
UC San Diego researchers have discovered that a gene found in some human cells can inhibit HIV from replicating – perhaps shedding light on why some
A recent study published online in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution discovered that a common retrovirus, KoRV, found in koalas has been plaguing the
For the first time, scientists were able to confirm that Plasmodium, the parasite that causes malaria, exists and is transmissible in the frigid temperatures of
Researchers have identified a previously unknown virus that could pave the way for important medical innovations against dangerous mosquito-borne pathogens. In a paper published September
At least 2000 birds have died from an outbreak of avian botulism in Portland, Oregon. This outbreak could reduce the area’s migratory bird population significantly.
The WHO is reporting a single case of an acute respiratory syndrome with renal failure in the United Kingdom. Laboratory testing confirmed a novel coronavirus,